Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teeth and Dentist

Six months ago I was kicking myself that I hadn't made a big deal out of Joshua's first trip to the dentist. At least I could have prepped him in some way.  So this time around I made a unit out of it. And I may have over done it. I was ready to teach him bicuspid and canine and everything, but I decided to wait on those for awhile :)  Here are the photos of the activities we did.

Our dentist kicked off the unit by sending us our reminder cards - Joshua was excited because he got his own postcard in the mail. Thank you Dr. Wagner's office.
The kids got toothbrushes in their Easter baskets. I know. I'm kind of a lame mom.
But the toothbrushes are awesome because they can do this!
I found this fun coloring sheet where you are supposed to find all of the hidden toothbrushes. Joshua wasn't interested in actually coloring them, but he did find them all.
We had a smiley snack. The snack with white beans is supposed to represent the good brusher, the one with raisins represents the bad brusher, and there was one more that was just apple and peanut butter. That one represented the worst brusher because all it's teeth had already fallen out.
This is another coloring page I found. You are supposed to color the little finger puppets then cut them out and play around with them.
Instead I free drew some very similar looking characters and glued them onto cardboard. We had a few popsicle sticks left over from something - not popsicles - so we made our own puppets and performed puppet shows for each other starring Zahn, Zahnbuerste, Zahnpasta, and Plaque!
I asked Joshua which one was his favorite. Does this surprise anybody?
You may remember I had to come up with a chore chart last year just to remind myself to brush the kid's teeth? Well, we have sort of stopped with the chore chart ever since Lukas was born. So we came up with something else.  Obviously, I took this photo earlier in the week. The kids (ok, I) have been 100%.
And we checked out the Dentist Storybook Kit from the library. These are our favorite books with a couple of photos of the pages for you to sample.

And as our grand finale Joshua and I went to the dentist!!

I did try to include Lukas, but since he doesn't have any teeth yet, this is the best we could do - his smiley onesie. Apparently he didn't feel it was good enough because he refused to smile for the camera. Next time, maybe.

With our Teeth and Dentist unit done, we can now get back to flowers. We just have a couple more activities to do before we move on to our next theme, which I am very excited about!! We should be done with flowers by Saturday or Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. We have the same toothbrushes!!! I love the smiley snacks. I'm going to have to make those before our dentist visit. What a super cute baby you have too!
