Friday, May 27, 2011

The Farm: Horses

After we went to the farm at Thanksgiving point I asked my kids what animal their favorite was. They both answered "Horse."  Good answer, kids. A+. because that was the plan for the next week: Horses. Here is what we did and saw.

First the horses at Farm Country.
This little calf kept nudging the foal, as if telling him to get up and start performing, the kids were here.

I think the foal got up just to get away from the calf.

This was near the end of the afternoon and Abigail wasn't too interested in anything by that point except her sippy.

We took a "hay ride" (uh... where is the hay?) and enjoyed these horses, named Holly and Bell.

Enjoying the hay ride.

We also got to ride on these horses.

Abigail screamed - I'm talking really screamed - when it was time to get off, so instead of making a horse craft on a flat piece of paper, we made these so that the kids could ride horses at home too. The first one I made, Abigail's, looked way too much like a hippie dog, so after thinking it over in my mind while trying to fall asleep that night, I came up with a better horse head.

At first the kids didn't really want to play with them, but after I randomly would pick up their horses and start prancing around the house, they got the idea. They don't LOVE them like I was hoping, but I've decided it wasn't a complete waste of time. (plus, sometimes they read horse books to their horses, which is cute.)

I would post some of the horse books we read but I didn't care for any of them - they were basically all about little girls who dream of having a pony but since the ponies are too expensive they just have to pretend. As a little girl I never really fantasized about having a horse. I never loved horses like some of the other kids, so I guess I just didn't relate to these books.(confession: I always thought those girls were a little weird. If any of you reading this out there were horse adoring little girls, I don't mean you, I mean the other horse adoring girls :)

And then we took a walk to the little farm right outside our front door and admired these horses.

Just the kids at the farm down the road. When I look at photos like this I feel like I live in the most beautiful part of the world. (But I might feel differently if I actually had to do the work on the farm.)

A little farther down the road are some ponies. I don't know the people who own them, so we just looked at them from the street.
This pony was so cute, its a shame the photo is so bad. He was shorter than Joshua.

This is a farm Joshua stamped. He's decided to take some liberties with the animals. Except I'm pretty sure he really does think farms are supposed to have tigers. He asked me before we went to Farm Country if the tigers would be in cages or not, because he wasn't interested in petting them.

And as a grand finale to our Farm unit, we enjoyed a farm breakfast. Derek took a look at it as he was running out the door this morning to go to work and asked if we could have a farm breakfast tomorrow too. I'm pretty sure I can accommodate that. I may mostly fruits and vegetables and even it the majority of them raw, but there is no way I am vegetarian. Bacon! Yum!
Farm breakfast. Get it? Pigs, Chickens, Cows, and Wheat!


  1. When I reading about you prancing around your house like on a pony I couldn't help but remember you chasing me around our apartment in that black bear suit or coat or whatever. Those were good times! Too bad you got rid of that coat.. It would have been a great teaching opportunity for the kids. What letter starts "scary" in German?

    And thanks for posting the recipe to the Jubelbars. I am definitely going to try it out, especially because I have a can of dried apples hanging around taking up space in my limited-space kitchen.

  2. If I had known you would be so traumatized by that experience, I may not have chased you around the apartment. Probably not, though. That's just the kind of sister I am. (FYI, we'll be studying Puzzology and water systems this summer:)
