Sunday, May 8, 2011

Flowers Grand Finale and I

Last post on flowers. To finish up we finally planted our marigolds. I have to admit I was kind of scared to work in this little patch of dirt. I kept imaging large horrific looking bugs crawling out and onto my arm or in my hair or something. I wish I liked gardening. I'm going to get better. The kids did most of the digging anyway.

Then we went to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I was expecting fields and fields of tulips - like in Holland or something, but this was maybe just as beautiful and a very very fun outing. We went with our friends some friends and just enjoyed everything - sun, flowers, grass, water, running, sitting, picnic, rolling (down the big hill - ok, just my friend's kids did that, mine are a little too timid) and just being happy.  Here are my favorite pics from our fabulous outing. I loved it. I even love the sunburn I got from it, it was that good of a day.

And last but not least, here are the kids (my kids) interpretation of the Tulip Festival using tempura paint. Joshua's painting is obviously a night scene.

We also learned the letter "I" this week. Hardly anything German starts with "I" mostly just Indianer (Indian) and Igel (Hedgehog). They use Igel in German like we use Igloo, in that it is a word hardly anybody needs to know per se, but you have to have something that starts with "I" and little kids kind of thing it's fun.  Anyway, we made an "I" family out of Lego's. The family also has a cat, a horse, and a slide. See if you can pick them out. 

I also had Joshua copy some letter (most of which I had already introduced) to write a small sentence. I was hoping we would get more words on the page, but this was as much as Joshua had patience for. I wanted to have a list of things that Joshua liked - the page says Ich mag Dinos which means "I like Dinos" (Dinosaurs) and kind of highlight the fact that Ich starts with I, but oh well.  and ps. the reason you can only see one eye and one arm and one leg on the T-Rex is because the others are on the other side of him - Joshua made sure I knew that. Oh yes, and that line in the middle is a tree because this T-Rex is a Pflanzfresser (herbivore) not a Flieschfresser (carnivore).

Now that that's done, we can move on to the letter "J" and the Farm!! I need some ideas here, so if you have any cute crafts, snacks, poems or songs (in German) or games or such, send them my way. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Cute cute cute. I love his dino picture, and his interpretation of the tulips! Fantastic!
