Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Norwegian Lapbooks

Here are the lapbooks we created to document all that we had learned and done regarding our Norway unit. The only things missing are a letter from Norway (we haven't gotten one yet - we only mailed our letter to our cousins maybe a week ago) and photos from the Uncle Ole Picnic, which wasn't happened yet.  I guess there are other things we learned too that couldn't be documented, but oh well.

So, if you've never heard of a lapbook before, here is your introduction. Some people make fantastic lapbooks, but I wanted my kids lapbooks to look like they made them themselves, and not like their mother made them. I think we had success at least in that department. Here they are, with explanations where needed.

Our lapbooks: Mine, Abigail's, and Joshua's

These are the first two pages of mine. I've got a photo of Edvard Munch, Edvard Grieg, a mini book of popular boys and girls names, a little pocket with two paper people wearing the traditional Norwegian costumes (Bunad), and accordion style book that opens up and tells about natural resources in Norway, an empty pocket waiting for a letter from Norway, some fake viking money with viking runes on it, and then two actual pieces of real Norwegian money, and then another pocket which is empty.

The second page of mine has a little book in the shape of a hand and inside it depicts a little Norwegian mythology, and also the fact that it is a mostly Christian nation today, a flag flap book about the flag, some thermometer flaps indicating the average temps in Oslo for each season, a Menu that opens up and shows typical foods for each meal of the day, and then a small booklet with things in it like time difference, landmarks, I put my coloring of "the Scream" by Munch, and other things.

Here is Abigail's first page

And Abigail's second page - she's still pretty young to be doing stuff like this so I just encourage her to do as much as she wants.

Joshua's first page - and here you can see that pocket that was empty on mine, but actually on the kids they are filled with photos of the other things we did. The top photo hear is the kids with the fish they caught.

 There is a pocket between the first and second file folders where they stuck the rest of their stuff associated with Norway that they wanted to keep - they had drawn pictures while listening to "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and "Morning" by Edvard Grieg and so those went in here, plus they painted some of their feelings when we learned about Edvard Munch's "The Scream" so some of those paintings went in this pocket as well.

 Here is the inside of Joshua's little booklet - time difference and a drawing of Vigeland Park in Norway.

The last page was a free writing page to write down their favorite activities or the most interesting facts they learned. Joshua wrote that his favorite thing was his lapbook and he learned about Norway. Not quite as specific as I was looking for, but he's on the right track.

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