Monday, February 13, 2012

More Weltall

Here are the last photos of our Outer Space/Planets Unit before our big field trip!!

 This is just a coloring page of the planets. I have one more for the kids to do but I probably wont take a photo of it. Now that they know all the planets, it is more fun to color the solar system.
 Every day when we would fly our rockets to the planet(s) of the day we would land on them like this. This is Mars.
 I just think this photo is cute. Abigail needed a little extra love this morning so Joshua volunteered to hold her during our lesson.
 To begin our lesson on stars we watched a video about the constellation Orion, which you can see at the following URL:  It is really funny and perfectly geared toward children, although I'm not sure Abigail understood all the German. After the video the kids used yellow punched out stars to create their own constellations. My original idea was to write stories about the constellations they made, but we had to scratch that idea. I think I would have needed a second day for that... or a second grader, not a couple of pres-schoolers.

I mentioned before that we were learning "Ich bin wie ein Stern" but here it is for you in German.
 But to add more emphasis to the spiritual side of things we also learned "Weisst du, wie viel Sternlein stehen?" Which is an adorable originally German song that essential says there are so many stars in the sky, there are so many clouds, and insects, and fish in the water. And there are so many children but Heavenly Father knows every single one and he knows you and he knows your name and he loves you.  I really like it. It's in the German Children's songbook, but we also have it in a book of German lullabys.
 And our Planet snack: Planeten Pfannekuchen!!

 I think this is actually the only bite she ate. She wasn't very hungry (this was our second breakfast :)
 These are planets and asteroids.
 This one is Saturn (or Satren, as Abigail calls it. It is her favorite planet.)
 And the monster planet is Jupiter, which is Joshua's favorite planet. (I myself, prefer earth, actually.)

We watched another video about Astronaut training at

And one that was a little over all our heads about why the sky is blue at

I'm mostly just really excited to have these educational videos for children IN GERMAN that if I can find anything that is slightly applicable, I let the kids watch it. It's fun for me too.

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