Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Letter N

Nudeln Necklaces (Necklace is not a German word - but I wanted to do this craft anyway)

For the future - and those interested in also doing this craft - I would pick a different kind of noodle. The macaronis were too hard to thread on the yarn. Also, I would either invest in pre-colored noodles, or figure out online how to dye my own noodles, or do so something other than color them with markers. Although it was fun, the ink kind of bleeds onto your shirt a bit when you get the necklace wet and you are still wearing it. The glitter was a fun last minute touch - but there is always the downside to glitter, which is the glitter itself, as glitter never really gets cleaned up. Oh well. That is the price of pre-school crafting.

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