Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day we went up to Midway to visit with Mark, Liz, and Remy (who were visiting from Switzerland) and enjoyed a fantastic breakfast and fantastic dinner (no photos, I must have been too busy eating) and a fantastic afternoon. Here are our photos of our "hike" up Memorial Hill and our little stop at the Heber Valley Artisan Cheese Factory just down the street. The weather was fantastic and I felt like I really was on vacation - not just "down the street" for a quick day trip. Thanks Rob and Marlies and gang for such a fun day. We are all sunburned to prove it!!


 We even found some little piggies... so of course we had to stop. They came right up to us!!

 Mt. Timpanogos right ahead - good thing our road turned the other direction. I don't think I'm in shape for that mountain right now.
 Rob and Marlies live in there. They have a green roof. You can try to find their house if you want. It kind of hard to point it out.

 This memorial is called "The Final Salute."

 We only had one child fall off a big rock into all the sharp little rocks... and she's fine, thank goodness. I was expecting profuse bleeding from the back of her head when I heard her screaming and turned to look, but she actually just has a few scrapes on her face, and a fun story to tell.

 Thank you  Mark and Liz for the ice cream.

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